Thursday, July 25, 2013

Plan H

was planning my HK trip on my traveling notebook..
so much writing to be done~! 

 pretentious much? XD 
I don't even know if i can get a free map of HK and macau when i'm there..
probably going to buy an extra sim card for 3G purpose 
took some pics of the places on google map...can only pray that i won't get lost...too many times LOL

I won't doubt that I've been traveling quite a lot recently since last year i've sacrificed my summer for intern so this year i went a bit overboard...i think i did overdo ..since traveling is fun but damn tiring.. especially when you're the one planning...aaaaaaa

something i realized while i was writing on my notebook is that it has been awhile since i really write in chinese ( on paper) and some words took me awhile to cough it out and my handwriting is just hideous ...eeee..NOOOO , i'm not giving back my mandarin to my teacher! 

I do admit that since young I was a lucky kid as I'm considered quite well travelled for my age when i'm just from a regular working class family... thanks to my parents especially my mom who loves to travel and is willing to bring me and bro with her =) 

my first flight was when i was a toddler...ok, that barely counts...i don't think i even need tickets ( or half?) to board on the plane.. that trip was to penang... the only thing i rmb about that trip is that i'd choked in the swimming pool == 
then after that traveling was mainly domestic or singapore since last time my aunty and uncle was stationed in singapore and then my father was stationed there for about 2 years. Highest record was going to singapore 4 times in a year. Time mostly spent in singapore was at bugis's arcade LOL 

Then my first real overseas trip was to Gold coast, Australia when i was 11. It all then started from there. It just seems like a tradition to travel to at least one place every year. From China to Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea, Indonesia, Thailand etc basically only in Asia since it's really expensive to fork out so much money for a whole family. Until when I was 20, I finally get to study abroad in England for a year. First time flying for more than 10 hours. Then from England, I got to go to countries in Europe which was a marvelous experience.
Then this year I'm finally going back to HK which I really like since my last visit four years ago and I will be going to Japan for the first time next month which I'm really excited bout it! 

Hopefully I can save more money when I work to go further like maybe back to England or even the States? I want New York~!!  hahaha or maybe South Africa? 
Travel when you can and when you have the energy to do it! 
You don't have to start far but just go where you can =) 
Do it when you're young and when you don't have any commitments...

Disclaimer here, I'm not bragging or what so ever. I'm just blogging about my experience and i'm really grateful to have experienced all this. 

Saturday, July 20, 2013

S.H.E 2gether 4ever 演唱会 2013

S.H.E的巡演终于来到了马来西亚了 =))))  



原来很多循中生都去看了! SHE果然是大家成长的良伴 =) 
我也和jodie度过了演唱会前夕的时间 =) 

进场后,咿?那个不是解孵吗? 还真高调的说。。。哈哈



第一首就是远方~ 也是我很喜欢的一首歌。。。
昨晚基本上是一个大型KTV,全场都在跟着唱。。。很多很久没唱的竟然都还记得歌词! 证明我那时到底狂听了多少次? 

她的身材真的太美了~ 瘦的精瘦得有肌肉! 喜欢!!  
 唱了厚脸皮+女孩坏坏 还要很性感地露背。。。喷血了啦啊啊 


然后就是我们的坚强女孩-selina~~~ <3
看到她现在那么乐观+开心就感到很欣慰 =) 

唱出了我很喜欢的花都开好了,心还是热的 等等 
完全就是疗愈系, 还记得我上个学期的考试每一天都要听她们的歌才会安心。。。哈哈哈 

服装都真的很漂亮啊啊啊啊 超喜欢这个花系列的 =) 

然后她们一个一个出场还会和几个自己的分身跳舞 真的很酷~! 
波斯猫啊 伦敦大桥垮下来 宇宙小姐 
特别喜欢伦敦大桥垮下来,因为我特别喜欢伦敦。。。让我想起了那年在伦敦的夏天 哈哈哈

她们的acapella 明天的自己真的太好听了~! 实力是不容忽视的! 
还有一首很少听到现场会唱但是我又很喜欢的夏天的微笑 =) 
然后还有新专辑我很很喜欢的一首歌 亲爱的树洞 =) 
等等好听的歌。。。她们虽然很会唱但是同时也很搞笑,姐妹的感情又那么真 这是我一直以来不会变心的原因 =) 

五月天啦 爱呢~ 天是在唱歌 幸福留言 

过后就继续唱天亮了 super star 还有我也非常非常爱的我爱你~ 

过后就进入encore时段了~ 歌迷都使劲浑身解数来把她们叫出来~! 


虽然还有很多首我喜欢的歌都没唱但是我相信以后还是有机会可以听到了~ 唱到80岁不是吗? =) 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

A Getaway to Serenity

If you've been following my other social media platforms ( fb, instgram etc), you'll know that i've been away for 5 days to Kota Bharu, Kelantan and Pulau Perhentian...
Listening to the song Love U U at this very moment~

The companions of this trip is Jan and Mandy or sometimes when i have some kind of mental block it becomes Jandy and Man ==

This is our first trip together =) and I know that there will be more to come..haha

the journey starts from LCCT to Sultan Ismail Petra Airport...
seeing Jan waving at us at the arrival hall relieved me =)
Jan's Papa and Mama welcomed us with open hands and I'm really very grateful for their warm hospitality =) ( Jan, if you see this, tell ur parents Thank you a million times  haha )

didn't do much on the first night besides chatting since we'd arrived at KB quite late...

The second day was jam packed with popular KB destinations...
Loads of temples explored... surprised? because it's Kelantan?
but don't forget, Kelantan is just next to Thailand, which answers why there're so many temples there.

These are some of the famous temples, the standing Buddha, seating Buddha, Lying Buddha, Big Guan Yin, Dragon Boat and the oldest temple in KB ...
I know my descriptions are very vague, but better to just go there and see for yourself how majestic the Gods are...

We also went to the popular beach in KB, Pantai Cahaya Bulan ( formerly known as Pantai Cinta Berahi )

Got to try some of the KB food but not much since you know that I'm now on a strict diet, traveling and dieting is a pain! 

The next day is exciting because we're finally going to Pulau Perhentian =) 
Thanks to Uncle and Aunty for dropping us off at Jetty Kuala Besut =)
The speedboat to the island is damn fast lor..
i've been to quite a number of islands but this is my first time getting on such a fast speedboat from land to island...was basically jerking all the way...and TBH, i'm not a roller coaster person...haha

on the way to the island~ 

 Finally at Pulau Perhentian =)
 Our resort for 2 nights~
 Jan and Mandy
Jan and I =) 

After checking in, we had to wait for a couple more hours till lunch and then our snorkeling trip officially kicked start~ 

Without wasting that few hours we have before lunch, we camwhored on the beach..typical girls..LOL 

No pics were taken during the snorkeling trip cause we were busy going up and down the sea and our cameras are not water proof thus the lack of pictures of us snorkeling =) 

pictures of us after coming back from the snorkeling trip~ soooo many fishes! it was kinda scary swimming with so many of them but luckily it was all fine...haha 
3 of us ended up being the most gung-ho among the others on the same boat as us...
we just snorkel like nobody's business and basically what's there to be scared? lifejacket yo~! 
but seriously, if there's no rule that we must use the lifejacket, i would want to swim without it, because it's so cumbersome and it restraints my movement =(  

sorry if i look really haggard without eyebrows LOL 

The next day was island hopping snorkeling trip =) 
got to go to Redang Island, Marine park, Lang tengah etc to snorkel...
Going to Redang gaves me nostalgia...everything seems so familiar and friendly...haha 
redang is definitely much more developed than perhentian..
Redang is more crowded and Perhentian on the other hand is much more basically have a lot of your own space.. do nonsense and nobody is there to judge you ...haha 

At Redang~ 

 Typical picture when you are in Redang =) 

another jumping shot of me XD 

though some glitch happened during the snorkeling trip it was nonetheless a good experience =) 
some strangers are just weird and we will never get them LOL 
thanks to the divers that took care of us...
hello, there's a reason why people want to take care of us instead of u strangers ok? 
don't jelly~  LOL
don't want to talk too much bout them, not important 
every trip has its own obstacle..LOL 

camwhoring time after today's snorkeling trip again XD 
 comic strip of me and mandy, have your own interpretation of these pictures XD 

 they say this is called the "yen shann" pose...hahahaha 

nonsense pictures overload! 

Time flies and the next day is the day that we say goodbye to this paradise and back to our normal routine~ 

but before leaving, more camwhoring sessions! 

 the trios~ 

 macam yes~XD 
then our goodbyes to the island~~~ 

back to Besut Jetty, thanks to uncle and aunty for picking us up and the satisfying lunch + movie session ( cabin in the woods) before really leaving KB and Jan =') 

it was really fun having you guys and more trips to come~!!!  

(most camwhoring pics are credited to Jan XD ) 
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