Tuesday, December 30, 2014

2015's Resolutions

It's the time of the year again to write about our resolutions! 
as usual, it's not about the quantity but actually achieving it
what's the point of writing hundreds of resolutions but achieves none? 
okay.... straight into my resolutions :

1. lose more weight! this is like my yearly resolutions without fail =) hope that i don't have to put this again next year.... 2013 was good but not much improvement in 2014..so 2015 i better lose the pounds!
2. work hard and smart for my career! it used to br about school but now it's finally about work..hopefully i'll get better in my work and get to go to germany for projects hahahaha save up more too!
3. appreciate my love ones more! it still feels a bit surreal having a boyfriend and i  will learn to not only love him more but also to love my family and friends =)
4. be a better person! smile more! be more outgoing and friendlier to people and most importantly be more positive and do not dwell in the past...have more faith in life and learn to have more trust
5. oh! must not forget..pass my DELF exam hahahaha
I think that's all...any longer i don't think i'll be able to do it....so yea.... 5 important ones! 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

A Whole New Journey

Been writing on Dayre more often lately cause it's just much more convenient than writing a full blogpost...
If you've been stalking me (i'm just joking) , you should know that I've recently just started a new job...
starting in a whole new environment again but when you're young you just have to do what you want and what you think you should #YOLO ma! 
it's my 2nd day today and I would say so far so good...
just that I have to wake up an hour earlier and it's much further away from home...
going there in the morning is fine..but coming back == my god! the jam ah....
anyways, hoping for the best and hopefully that I would be able to find passion in this job as I've made this choice to come here and it's my own choice to pursue CAE 
it might be hard but i will try my best to work for it! 
oh! and i'm back to the environment where the majority are guys... school days reminisce 

been slacking a lot lately...getting my ass back to the gym! 
and i really need to lose those fats yo! 

then i realized that I have nothing much to blog about...
will blog after this sat since I will be going on a trip with my company =) 
hopefully it won't get awkward hahahaha 

i don't care! I just want to end it with my selfie hahahah

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