Tuesday, October 11, 2011


after listening to some horrendous singing...
i feel nauseated..i meant literally... 
nah..i'm just giving my crap talk again...
finally watched nasi lemak 2.0...
some of the scenes are damn gaolat one lor...hahaha
like the malay girl saying that she went to chinese school and her reading "feng qiao ye bo" ...haha
my most memorable poem...XD 
and then the 3 judges characters that were trying to imply about our barisan national...hahaha  
the whole concept of the movie is actually quite good...
but i think only malaysian can understand lor...
with all the accent and the rojak language and politics implications and social problems...
only people that lived in malaysia will know what the movie is trying to deliver...

talking about races...
certain people are just to sensitive and shallow...
i mean, so what if people decided to call you an ABC/ banana or try to laugh at you when you speak broken mandarin...
that might only be a fraction of people who are that rude...
as a typical chinese, i do believe that most of us wont make fun of people who couldn't speak mandarin...
is those that knows how to speak but acts like they don't know we loathe. 
i'm not going to criticize anybody here, just trying to reason out...
as i am definitely a typical chinese and i speak mandarin most of the time doesn't make me a rude person...

talking about typical chinese...
this one is a super pure typical chinese...coz from china ma...== 
kept teasing about my knowledge of chinese ==
hello...studying in a chinese school doesn't mean i know every chinese literature/history lor..
no matter how chinese my school is, still no fight to people that came from china wad...
adding to the point that i do not only concentrate in chinese... 
i still got malay, english and i need to study everything in both english and chinese lei...
what's the point of teasing me... for instance, if i go and tease some chinese from kebangsaan school ,let's say my brother, is not logical wad...
i mean we come from different education background, no point comparing...
it's different...
so what's the point of teasing...
doesn't make you greater as u r teasing a weaker person...
i m not saying everybody from C are like that, this is definitely directly to a certain person only...
coz i met some really nice people oso...not to say he's not a nice person la..but i m just quite annoyed with that part only...

yikes..i should stop my rambling and ranting already... good night 

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