second time to liverpool~~~
get to stay longer this time due to christmas break~ yippie~
to not waste our shopping time, we went to cheshire oak right after dropping all my stuff at xiaohui's flat...XD
talked like there's no tomorrow on the bus...
super like lor...need more girls talk XD
finally after one hour, we reached the lengen---wait-for-it-dary cheshire oak~
arrrr..all the branded outlets~ means we get to shop branded stuff with high street prices! sort of...==
bought only 3 garments but already cost a bomb...
the most expensive one is not for me for my bro...
u see...i m such a good sister...mine are super cheap compared to the one i bought for my bro...

on the way to cheshire oak with lenglui xiaohui~

inside the toilet o.0
dun hv enough budget to shop till we drop lar...
but still get to get some nice stuff lor...
u know girls are very "xu rong" de lar...XD

shop until can only afford the cheapest wrap from mcD...TT
reluctant to go back but it's getting dark and due to christmas eve the crowd is exceptionally few and i think all the shops are closing earlier than usual...
after getting back from cheshire oak, got to join xiaohui friends' christmas party...
got to meet new people...which i am super bad at it...
i dunno why am i so socially awkward ==
trying my best not to..but couldn't help it...
luckily they were really nice...^^

ma cute girl and me ^^

happy to meet u guys~ thanks for all the warm welcome ^^
that's all for christmas eve...
christmas day was super wu liao lor...XD at least for me and hui lar...
we walked around taking crazy pics on empty streets and parks ==

can stand in the middle of the road to take pics == that shows how empty the street is...

my fav pic...coz its taken by me XDDD

haiz...after stopping ballet for more than 7 years...super stiff liao...
can't even balance properly ==

super random shot~

love the world~~
boxing day~
went shopping again~
the crowd was not as overwhelmed as expected lor...
and the sale is not HUGE either...
didn't buy much...but also bought quite a bit of lapsap la XD
hollister wasn't even on sale!!!
ended up shopping at boots == shopping epic fail ==
xiao hui even got herself ah por slippers XD
had mcD for brunch again...coz cheapest!
bought a couple of scarves from H&M though...coz only 3 pounds each! i consider it a steal!
then most of the stuff in accessorize are half hv to grab some oso XD
had dinner at a chinese restaurant...had steam boat first time in three months...
the last steam boat i had was before i came to UK lor ==
super full but super satisfied...thanks wp for the treat ^^ my turn when u guys come to notts~
leaving day~ sad lor ...><
coz coming back to notts means i hv to continue my revisions...>< eeks...
i really tak like to study ar..... boring like shit....ugh...
1 comment:
U all wear til so nice leh~ luv luv <3
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