Tuesday, October 21, 2014

manigances récents

i'm back to blogging after a short hiatus =) 
it's like I'm either blogging about recent travels or just ranting about nonsense 
actually I have nothing much to say...
If you were to ask me last week, I would probably have a lot to say
but now...nahh....一切都是雾水烟花
just go with the flow and if that person really cares, that person will make the effort to stay if not...mampus! 
but lately it has been quite a change for me...
been doing things that I'm not used to and being the kind of person that I'm also very unfamiliar with 
okay la..i'm probably exaggerating a bit but seriously, I do think that I've made significant changes within such a short period, character wise. 
I'm back at the gym again! 
been slacking for over a month and I'm finally slowly getting back on track
though i don't think I can ever be like how I was last year ( 6 days a week, hardcore max ) cannot blame me leh...i was having summer holidays at that time and now i have a full time job...
going to the gym after work is a huge sacrifice lor when i can just go home straight and be a couch potato =P 
at the moment, I think making the effort to hit the gym 3-4 times a week is already a great achievement... better work harder if not nanti really nobody wants hahahaha 
btw, I've just switched my gym membership today =O 
decided to withdraw from Chi and join celeb since I will have company to gym after work and it's still at a tolerable drive from work 
people say changes is good and I do hope that by making some changes in my life it will bring a difference to what's ahead of me =) 
what I can do now is to live for myself and to live like there's no tomorrow =) 
keep loving yourself and try to be a better person from what you were yesterday 
not trying to be philosophical but I realized that lately I have this tendency to talk like that...
omg..is that a sign of aging? i hope it's just I'm turning wiser but not older =P 

just a random pic that I'd never posted before =P 

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